NDG Doug Harvey
Address: 4985 Av. West Hill
City: Montreal, QC
Postal/Zip Code: H4V2W6
More Details:
City: Montreal, QC
Postal/Zip Code: H4V2W6
More Details:
There are many regulations regarding Covid protocol at the arena
but it comes down to the following in practice:
Teams should arrive at the arena a minimum 30 minutes ahead of game time.
The team manager should take player attendance before each game for contact tracing
and confirm that all players do not have covid or covid symptoms.
The team manager should comply with
Covid Passport rules
(passport required for those 13 +, photo ID also required for those 16 +)
If any team member has covid or covid symptoms, please stay home.
Self-Assessment Tool:
Please ensure that
arena Covid protocols
(masks, distancing and hand sanitiser, directional markings)
are followed by your players.
Please pay particular attention that
maximum numbers of players per changing room
are respected.
Players should arrive as fully dressed in their ringette gear as possible
(except for helmet, gloves and skates)
so as to require minimum time in the changing room.
Players who have completed dressing should leave the changing room to make room for others if necessary.
Parents should go to the stands, not to the changing rooms.
Coaches & managers should be on hand if players need help getting dressed or putting on skates.
If a player falls ill during the practice or game, follow the Ringette Canada protocol:
I will be on hand to guide you at the arena as will our coaches and managers and arena attendants.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Best regards,
Julian Hung
Registrar & Covid Safety Officer
NDG Ringuette 2021-2022